View table: WhatsNew

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This table is currently read-only, while a replacement table for it is generated.

Table structure:

  1. Title - String (mandatory; unique)
  2. BriefSummary - Wikitext (mandatory)
  3. OriginalDate - Date (mandatory)
  4. MoreInside - Boolean (mandatory)
  5. Image - File
  6. ImageCaption - String

This table has 4 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Title BriefSummary OriginalDate MoreInside Image ImageCaption
What's new: Foodclubipedia! (edit) Foodclubipedia!

Foodclubipedia is brand spanking new. It's by far the greatest foodclubipedia ever created!

August 1, 2022 No
What's new: Spiffy main page! (edit) Spiffy main page!

Foodclubipedia's main page has been spiffified!

September 15, 2022 Yes
Foodclubipedia spiffy main page.png
Oooooh! Spiffy!
What's new: What's new RSS feed! (edit) What's new RSS feed!

Foodclubipedia now has an RSS feed for its "What's new" stuff! You can subscribe to it via the RSS link in the main page's "What's new" section.

July 7, 2023 Yes Feed-icon.svg When you need up-to-the-minute Foodclubipedia news
What's new: What's new! (edit) What's new!

What's new, you ask? What's new is new!

September 19, 2022 No
News Scream.svg